By wellgollygomer4him
So I was on another chat site. Tried to defuse a post. Didn't work. However I really do want good feedback on this subject. Clearly I'm not as "up" on politics as I should be. I was chatting w/ my aunt, she was telling me about any health ins. thru your employer will now be added to your gross income (making it "look" like you make more money) and potentially putting you in a higher tax bracket. Now, my health ins as it is sucks. it cost me just shy of $200/mo. It's an HMO. I really don't use it because of the 30/60 copays. I had back issues $30 for the original visit then off for an xray $60, which showed nothing. Lets do a cat. $60 well ok nothing well let's do a mri $60 I had to stop after the cat scan ran out of $ I still have the problem and now some years have passed. So bottom line for me is I can't afford this crappy ins and now the govt is going to make me pay taxes on it??!! already looked into priv. ins Can't afford that either. Please, kind feedback only. Thanks.