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By Stinky Pete
I don't see how someone can be for free market capitalism and then want to somehow set artificial conditions to keep jobs in the U.S. which can be done more efficiently overseas.

And what I get even less is how someone can claim to be for free markets but support unions.
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By Boro Friend
Stinky Pete wrote:But isn't moving jobs overseas the free market capitalist thing to do? Survival of the fittest, maximizing profits, all that stuff?

''I was wondering what part of ''tax break's'' to relocate did you miss?
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By Stinky Pete
I didn't miss it. Your original wording was slightly different and had a different meaning to me. It didn't say "tax breaks to relocate..." I took it as not penalizing companies who move jobs overseas by still offering them tax breaks. I realize the difference in wording is slight.
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By paesano
Obama wants the Tea Party to name specific programs to cut. It was good enough for the Obama Campaign to run on abstract ideas like hope and change, yet he demands specifics from the Tea Party. There was a good reason for Obama to be abstract about his plans: Americans would have never elected him if he had to run on specifics. We are all keenly aware that Obama’s plan was to wing it. Hope and Change are not ideas, they are simply platitudes.

But the Tea Party has been specific. It really does not matter what is cut, or which taxes are lowered. All would be a great place to start.

Obama wants the Tea Party to name specific programs so the Democrats will have a target to shoot at. It is impossible to aim at broad and across the board cuts in both spending and taxes. Democrats would love to make this a debate on rich and poor, social spending vs. tax cuts for the wealthy. These are targets.

The only answer the Administration should hear as to which programs to cut is all of them.

And the same answer applies to tax cuts. Cut them all for everyone who pays taxes.

That is pretty specific. :shock:
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By Boro Friend
Boro Friend wrote:
paesano wrote:Trying to find an answer to the Tea Party phenomenon must really be a nightmare for Barack Obama and the Democrats. Every time they attack the Tea Party, the movement grows by leaps and bounds. They have found that attempting to brand the majority of Americans as extremists is not a smart tactic. But they have no other answer for a group demanding a return to the radical concepts of the founding fathers.

So, the man who ran a campaign based entirely on bumper sticker ideas, like hope and change wants the Tea Party to be specific on their calls for smaller government, less spending and lower taxes.


Hope and change show no direction and no quantity. Smaller government, less spending and lower taxes are specific and show the exact direction for which the Tea Party is aiming.

There are a number of Rep's having their own nightmares. I will tell you right now that the establishment Rep's have supported things like tax breaks for corporations that move jobs over seas as well as other anti American policy.. There is a lot to be desired by all those politictians. The tea party movement must not sell out or let their movement be co opted by those ass holes.If they do the republic is history.The politicians really don't get it.

''supported things like tax breaks for corporations that move over seas''
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By FreeBird
Stinky Pete wrote:Being totally serious now, doesn't keeping jobs in the U.S. require more government? Isn't that what you're all against? The jobs left because free market forces demanded moving them elsewhere in order to compete. It would take some type of government regulation, tariffs, etc. to keep them here when it's not the most efficient use of resources.

No, actually keeping jobs in the US does not require more government but quite the opposite. If everyone did what they were good at and if free market allowed this to happen, products would be at their cheapest for everyone. The USA might not be the cheapest at everything in the world, but it would all equal out and the entire world would benefit in the end. Including the USA. It is the government regulation and tariffs, etc that keep the prices high.
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By paesano
So, the Tea Party need not name specific programs to cut – or eliminate. That is the job of the elected representatives. The Tea Party exists, not to provide detailed specifics on budgetary line items, but to guide and direct a government that has gone astray of the basic principles on which this nation was founded. To serve as a compass to a government that has lost their way.
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By Stinky Pete
FreeBird wrote:No, actually keeping jobs in the US does not require more government but quite the opposite. If everyone did what they were good at and if free market allowed this to happen, products would be at their cheapest for everyone. The USA might not be the cheapest at everything in the world, but it would all equal out and the entire world would benefit in the end. Including the USA. It is the government regulation and tariffs, etc that keep the prices high.

The reason jobs go overseas and manufacturing goes overseas is because we can't compete with dirt cheap labor costs in other countries. In an absolute free market, nothing would be made in the U.S., until our standard of living dropped so far that we could compete on costs with the likes of China and India.
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By Boro Friend
Stinky Pete wrote:
FreeBird wrote:No, actually keeping jobs in the US does not require more government but quite the opposite. If everyone did what they were good at and if free market allowed this to happen, products would be at their cheapest for everyone. The USA might not be the cheapest at everything in the world, but it would all equal out and the entire world would benefit in the end. Including the USA. It is the government regulation and tariffs, etc that keep the prices high.

The reason jobs go overseas and manufacturing goes overseas is because we can't compete with dirt cheap labor costs in other countries. In an absolute free market, nothing would be made in the U.S., until our standard of living dropped so far that we could compete on costs with the likes of China and India.

Sounds like the redistrubuting of wealth to me. Is that what America really wants?
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